I've been on the internet since I was 3. I'm in my teen years now. I'm growing up in a time where things such as freedom & privacy, economically and socially, are being exploited and screwed with for the sake of "counterterrorism" and money.

Not only are we being screwed with through that, but our minds are getting screwed too. We are being dumbed down, our attention spans are only getting shorter and shorter through social media apps. It needs to come to an end.

What I propose is a mass decentralisation of the internet through means such as mass migration to services like neocities instead of things like tiktok, as well as reversing the damages of social media through unlearning dehumanising "gnosis" like treating people as objects (which is currently popularised through the far-right infection of social media rn) . I also propose that things such as 90's web design comes back, although I can't code it in my sites for shit.

Proud contributer to the World Wide Web. Go back now ?